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Churches, Ministries, and Christians joining together to deliver thousands of Bibles, resources, and aid to the people of Ukraine this summer.


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$80,000 worth in building and kitchen retrofitting.


Impact Ministries was founded in 1982 by Richard, Roman & Sara Michalski. Impact 's acronym was International Ministries Presenting A-Risen Christ Today! Impact Ministries' main vision since its inception has been reaching the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Bible distribution, preaching and teaching of the word, equipping the local church, and reaching orphans, widows and those in need tangibly. In addition to these main goals, Impact helped to establish and plant over 1,400 autonomous churches, helped finance and build over 250 church buildings, and purchased and distributed over 10,000,000 Bibles and New Testaments to pierce the darkness throughout the former Soviet Union, China, and other Communist countries.


The ministry is now getting plans in place to go back to Ukraine for the third Summer in a row during this terrible war. As one can imagine, the needs in Ukraine are HUGE. With the ongoing war there, the requests coming from the churches and pastors are heartbreaking. A small strategic team will be delivering Ukrainian Bibles, Children’s Bibles, medical supplies, and medical backpacks. Thanks to Impact's decades old relationships with several ministries, pastors, and directors that have remained on the ground in Ukraine on the front lines, they are able to make the very best of each dollar donated to them. Right now they are begging us to ask American churches to help in the areas of Ukrainian Bibles, Children's Bibles, medical backpacks, and emergency clothing and food specifically. These items will be hand delivered. 


Please consider your church, ministry, or as an individual making a donation. Thank you for your prayerful consideration

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